In today’s digital age, the demand for transcription services is higher than ever before, and becoming a transcriptionist can be a great way to make money from home.

Whether for podcasts, interviews, or other recordings, individuals and businesses require accurate and timely transcriptions.

If you have good listening and typing skills and attention to detail, you can succeed in this growing industry. With the proper training, tools, and networking, you can become a skilled transcriptionist and earn a competitive income in 2023.

In this post, we’ll look at how to become a transcriptionist and make money from home.

how to become transcriptionist and make money

How Much Do Transcriptionists Make?

Transcriptionists’ earnings vary depending on their experience, location, and the type of transcription work they specialize in. The median hourly income for transcriptionists is $16.24, according to ZipRecruiter.

However, freelance transcriptionists may make more or less than this sum depending on their degree of experience, the difficulty of the transcription job they undertake, and the demand for their services.

Some freelance transcriptionists charge hourly rates, while others charge per audio hour or page.

It’s important to note that transcriptionists specializing in specific niches, such as legal or medical transcription, may earn more than those providing general transcription services.

In addition, transcriptionists employed full-time by a company may qualify for benefits like health insurance and paid leave, which can also impact their overall earnings.

Transcriptionist Requirements

Skills Requirements

  • Excellent listening and comprehension skills: A transcriptionist must have the ability to understand and accurately transcribe audio or video recordings, even when the audio quality is poor, or the speakers have accents.
  • Typing skills: A transcriptionist must be able to type quickly and accurately, often while listening to audio or video recordings.
  • Attention to detail: A transcriptionist must have a keen eye for detail to ensure the transcribed document is accurate and error-free.
  • Good grammar and punctuation skills: A transcriptionist must have a solid understanding of grammar and punctuation to ensure the transcribed document is easily readable and understandable.
  • Time-management skills: Transcriptionists must manage their time effectively to meet deadlines and promptly complete assignments.
  • Technical skills: A transcriptionist must be comfortable using the required transcription software and other tools.

Training & Certifications

  • Online transcription courses: Many transcriptionists take online courses to develop their skills and gain industry knowledge. These courses may cover basic transcription skills, industry-specific terminology and practices, and transcription software.
  • Professional certifications: Few transcription jobs may require professional certifications from industry organizations such as the Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) or the National Court Reporters Association (NCRA).

Tools Requirements

Computer: A transcriptionist must have a reliable computer with a high-speed internet connection.

Transcription software: Transcription software can help transcriptionists work more efficiently and accurately. Some popular transcription software includes Express Scribe, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and TranscribeMe.

Foot pedal: A foot pedal can help transcriptionists control audio playback and transcribe more efficiently.

Headset: A good quality headset can help a transcriptionist hear audio or video recordings more clearly and minimize background noise.


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9 Steps How To Become A Transcriptionist and Make Money

Pick Your Niche

It’s essential to choose a specialty or niche that aligns with your interests and skill set while beginning a career as a transcriptionist. Different types of transcription work have unique requirements in terms of skills, knowledge, and experience.

Common niches in transcription include general, medical, legal, and academic transcription. We will know about these niches later in this post.

By picking a niche, you can specialize in a particular transcription area and develop the essential skills and knowledge to become an expert. Specializing can also help you attract clients or employers looking for transcriptionists with specialized knowledge and experience.

Develop Your Transcription Skills

Transcription requires excellent listening and typing skills, attention to detail, and a good understanding of grammar and punctuation. Here are some ways to improve your skills:

  • Practice listening skills by transcribing audio or video files, such as interviews or lectures.
  • Enhance your typing skills by regularly practicing and using typing exercises or software.
  • Develop attention to detail by carefully proofreading your work and double-checking unfamiliar words or phrases.
  • Learn grammar and punctuation rules by studying online resources or taking courses.
  • Use transcription tools like foot pedals and headsets to work more efficiently and accurately.

You can become a proficient transcriptionist and make money by practicing these skills and using transcription tools. Although transcription can be challenging, persistence and dedication will help you succeed.

Take Online Transcription Courses

Online courses can help you develop your transcription skills and gain industry knowledge. Look for courses that cover the basics of transcription, industry-specific terminology and practices, and transcription software.

Here are some details on taking online transcription courses:

  • Select the Appropriate Course: Numerous online transcription courses are available, so choosing one suitable for your needs and interests is essential. Look for courses that cover the fundamentals of transcription, industry-specific terminology and practices, and transcription software.
  • Research the Course Provider: Research the course provider to ensure they have a good reputation and are well-regarded in the industry. Look for feedback from previous students and ask for recommendations from other transcriptionists.
  • Complete the Coursework: Once you have chosen a course, complete all the coursework and assignments for maximum benefit. Take notes, practice your skills, and seek clarification if you have questions.
  • Acquire Industry Knowledge: As you finish your course, acquire as much industry knowledge as possible. To remain updated on market trends and best practices, read industry publications, attend events and webinars, and network with other transcriptionists.
  • Practice Regularly: Transcription is a skill that necessitates practice, so ensure that you practice regularly. Transcribe audio or video files independently, and use transcription software to increase efficiency.
  • Consider Continuing Education: After completing your initial course, consider additional courses to continue your education and enhance your skills. This can help you remain competitive and open up new job opportunities.

I recommend you join the general transcription course by Janet Shaughnessy. It provides in-depth, comprehensive training on general transcription to make beginner transcriptionists into professional ones.

Build Your Portfolio

Developing a portfolio is a crucial step for aspiring transcriptionists. Your portfolio is a collection of your work that showcases your skills, experience, and transcription style.

It can help you differentiate yourself when applying for transcription jobs or marketing your services to potential clients.

Here are some tips for building a transcription portfolio that can pass AI detection tests:

  • Transcribe Audio or Video Files: You can find free or low-cost files online to practice transcribing. Start with shorter files and work up to longer ones as you gain experience. Proofread your work for completeness and accuracy.
  • Organize Your Transcriptions: Use file-sharing services like Dropbox or Google Drive to store your transcriptions. Label each file with the file’s name and the date you completed it. Organize your transcriptions in folders for each type of transcription you specialize in (e.g., legal, medical, general).
  • Showcase Your Best Work: Select files highlighting your accuracy, attention to detail, and ability to follow formatting guidelines. Choose a variety of transcription types to show your versatility.
  • Create a Professional Presentation: Use a clean and simple design to showcase your work effectively. You can create a website or use a portfolio hosting platform like Behance or Dribble. Make sure your presentation is easy to navigate.
  • Keep Your Portfolio Updated: Add new transcriptions to your portfolio as you gain more experience. Highlight any new skills or training you have completed.

Building a transcription portfolio requires effort, but it can benefit your career by helping you showcase your skills and attract new clients.

Invest in Transcription Software

Transcription software can help you work more efficiently and accurately. Look for software that automatically transcribes audio or video files or integrates with foot pedals and headsets.

Some popular transcription software programs are Express Scribe, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and TranscribeMe.

  • Express Scribe lets users control audio playback using a foot pedal or hotkeys and adjust the playback speed.
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking is a speech recognition software that automatically transcribes speech into text, which can be helpful for complex or lengthy files.
  • TranscribeMe is an online platform providing automated and human transcription services.

When selecting transcription software, it is vital to consider the essential features of the user. The software should be compatible with the user’s computer and provide the necessary tools to work more efficiently.

Investing in additional equipment like a high-quality headset and foot pedal may also be necessary. Headsets help with clear audio, while foot pedals allow hands-free audio playback control.

By choosing the proper transcription software and equipment, transcriptionists can enhance their effectiveness and accuracy, increasing their earning potential.

Network With Professionals in the Industry

Networking with other professionals in the transcription industry is a vital step in becoming a successful transcriptionist. Here are some ways to network with industry professionals:

  • Join online transcription groups or forums: Many online communities and forums for transcriptionists exist where you can interact with other professionals in the industry. These groups help you discover job opportunities, gain industry insights, and seek advice or support from other transcriptionists.
  • Attend industry events: Participating in industry events such as conferences or webinars offers the chance to meet and network with other transcriptionists and industry experts. Such events provide workshops and training sessions to help you improve your skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends.
  • Connect with other transcriptionists on social media: Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter are excellent platforms to network with other professionals in the transcription industry. You can join industry-specific groups on LinkedIn, follow industry leaders on Twitter, and participate in discussions or showcase your work to demonstrate your skills.
  • Reach out to industry professionals: You can introduce yourself to other transcriptionists, transcription company owners, or industry experts through email, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms. Consider asking for advice or mentoring or simply introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the industry.

Networking with other professionals in the transcription industry helps you stay informed about industry trends, gain valuable insights into the industry, and possibly lead to job opportunities.

Building and maintaining robust relationships with other industry professionals is crucial over time. Staying connected with other transcriptionists allows you to continue learning, growing, and succeeding as a transcriptionist.

Look For Transcription Job Opportunities

When searching for transcription job opportunities, there are various methods to consider. Here are some tips to help you find transcription work:

  • Freelance Websites: Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are freelance websites offering transcription work. Create a profile, highlight your skills and experience, and start bidding on transcription jobs. You may build a solid reputation and attract more customers as you receive favorable customer feedback.
  • Job Boards: Indeed, Glassdoor, and FlexJobs are examples of job boards that frequently have listings for transcription jobs. Search for keywords such as “transcriptionist” or “audio transcriber” to discover relevant job postings. You can also set up job alerts to receive notifications when new transcription jobs are posted.
  • Transcription Companies: Several companies specialize in transcription services, such as Rev, TranscribeMe, and GoTranscript. These companies hire transcriptionists on a freelance or full-time basis. Visit their websites for job openings, and submit your resume and transcription samples to apply.
  • Networking: Networking with professionals in the transcription industry can help you discover job opportunities that may not be publicly advertised. Join online transcription groups or forums, attend industry events, and connect with other transcriptionists on social media. Let people know you’re looking for work and showcase your skills and experience.
  • Cold Pitching: Directly reaching out to potential clients or companies can sometimes be the best way to find transcription work. Create a list of businesses or individuals that may require transcription services, and send them a personalized email introducing yourself and your services. Include a link to your portfolio or work samples to showcase your skills.


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Types of Transcription Jobs

There are mainly three types of transcription jobs which are described below:

1. Medical Transcription

Medical transcription involves the conversion of spoken medical reports and records, such as patient histories, physical examination reports, and operative reports, into written format.

In addition to having a thorough awareness of medical vocabulary, anatomy, and pharmacology, medical transcriptionists must be able to comprehend various medical procedures and laboratory testing.

They may work in healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, etc. They could also decide to work independently.

2. Legal Transcription

Legal transcription involves converting dictated legal documents, such as court transcripts, depositions, and legal briefs, into written form. Legal transcriptionists must thoroughly understand legal terminology, procedures, and formats.

They must also be familiar with legal documentation, such as pleadings and motions. Legal transcriptionists can work for law firms, court reporting agencies, and other legal organizations. Moreover, they may also work as independent contractors.

3. General Transcription

General transcription involves converting various audio or video recordings, such as interviews, podcasts, webinars, and lectures, into written documents.

General transcriptionists must possess a good understanding of the subject matter and be able to research unfamiliar terms or concepts. They must also be proficient in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

General transcriptionists can work in various industries, including media, education, and business. Similarly, they may also work as freelancers.

Best Places To Find Transcriptionist Jobs


Rev is a famous transcription company that offers a variety of transcription jobs, including general transcription, legal transcription, and captioning.

On their website, you can apply to work as a transcriptionist. They provide attractive pay rates and flexible working hours. The pay rate is around $0.30-$1.10 per audio minute.


FlexJobs is a job board offering remote and flexible jobs, including transcriptionist ones. You can search for transcription jobs on their website and filter by location, job type, and company. They also offer a variety of resources and tools to help you with your job search.

GMR Transcription

GMR Transcription is a transcription company that offers legal, medical, and general transcription services.

They hire transcriptionists from all over the world and offer competitive pay rates and flexible working hours. The pay rate is around $0.7-$1.25 per audio minute.


TranscribeMe is a transcription company that uses AI and human editors to provide high-quality transcription services.

They offer transcription jobs for beginners and experienced transcriptionists; you can work from anywhere worldwide. They also provide training and support for their transcriptionists. The pay rate is around $15-$22 per audio hour.


Quicktate is a transcription company that offers general transcription jobs and legal and medical transcription jobs.

They hire transcriptionists from all over the world and provide flexible working hours. They also offer a variety of transcription tools and resources to help you with your work. The pay rate is around $0.0050 per word transcribed.

In addition to these, many other sites offer transcription jobs. I have created a separate detailed post for the best transcription jobs.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, becoming a transcriptionist is a legitimate way to make money in 2023. There are many options to work as an independent contractor or a full-time employee at a transcription company due to the rising need for transcribing services across numerous industries.

However, becoming a successful transcriptionist requires dedication, hard work, and ongoing skill development.

By picking a niche, developing your transcription skills, taking online courses, building your portfolio, investing in transcription software, networking with professionals, and looking for job opportunities, you can set yourself up for success as a transcriptionist in 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions


A transcriptionist is an individual who converts audio or video recordings into written documents by listening to them carefully.

This process involves transcribing various types of content, such as interviews, speeches, meetings, and podcasts. Transcriptionists typically work alone or in teams and may have specialized training in legal or medical transcribing.

Becoming a transcriptionist can offer a flexible and profitable career for individuals with exceptional listening and typing abilities.

There is an expanding demand for transcription services across various industries, such as medical, legal, media, and education, providing abundant job opportunities. A better work-life balance can be achieved by working as an independent contractor from home as a transcriptionist.

Moreover, transcription work can offer a sense of gratification in making vital information more accessible and easily searchable. Becoming a transcriptionist is a rewarding and fulfilling career path for those with the necessary skills and an interest in the field.

 You must have exceptional listening and typing abilities and attention to language, punctuation, and detail. You should also be familiar with transcription software and be able to work independently.

You can start by gaining experience through online transcription courses or finding transcription jobs on freelance websites. You can also network with professionals in the industry and join transcription associations.

Transcriptionists earn between $15 to $30 per hour based on their experience, type of work, and the company.

Yes, transcription is a legitimate way to make money in 2023. The demand for skilled transcriptionists is anticipated to rise as more companies, groups, and people need transcription services.

Yes, many transcriptionists work from home as independent contractors. This allows for more flexibility in terms of scheduling and workload.

You will need a reliable computer, high-speed internet, and transcription software. You may also need a foot pedal to control audio playback and a good-quality headset.

You can become a transcriptionist in a specific time frame, depending on your experience level and the training you acquire. Acquiring the skills necessary to become a skilled transcriptionist can take several weeks to many months.

Medical transcription, legal transcription, academic transcription, and general transcription are the main types of transcription jobs.

Yes, you can make a career as a transcriptionist. With the increasing demand for transcription services in various industries, there are plenty of opportunities for experienced and skilled transcriptionists.

You can advance your career by specializing in a particular field, such as medical, legal, or academic transcription. You can also start your own transcription business or work as a freelancer to control your career and earning potential.

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